(Coburn Summit Riders Trail Report 1/8/20)
We ended up with 4-5 inches of snow over the past few days and it’s forecast to give us another inch or two today and tonight. We groomed the east side of 201 last night which is ITS 87 from the ball field in the West Forks north to the intersection with ITS 88 as well as club trails. Conditions are very good to excellent on the trails we’ve been able to groom. The short section of powerline and woods section south of the Capital Rd is NOT groomed and won’t be until we get a little more snow. It is easily passable but there is a small water hole (not sure if it’s froze yet or not) in the woods section that you should be cautious of as well. The area around Coburn Mtn is not good due to the openness of the trails. The wind and sun have left many areas that are rocks and ice. It is passable but you just need to be aware to take your time and not to expect much. We may be sending a groomer to Grand Falls today and will update if we do. All north and southbound traffic should use ITS 87 as its’ a very good ride. ITS 86 still is not opened up south of the intersection with ITS 89. we will update when that happens. We’re obviously keeping an eye on this weekends weather and will post what we end up with afterwards. JUST A REMINDER….. STAY OFF ALL PLOWED ROADS!
(Coburn Summit Riders Trail Report 1/1/20)
I just returned from my first groom of the season. Conditions were very good and much better than anticipated. I groomed the Lake Parlin Connector to ITS 87, north on 87 to where it meets 88, back down 87 to the capital rd, then back north to Parlin. The entire trip had plenty of snow and no bad spots to mention. There’s ice in a few spots but I’m hopeful the snow will stick and it won’t be a factor. The other groomer took 89 south out to Grand Falls. They’re still out but sent a text saying it was pretty good. Areas that are not on roads need more snow but are passable. I’ll wait to hear about it in detail then post an update. We plan to send groomers south down to the forks tomorrow to finish everything else if conditions allow. We won’t be doing the short section on the power line (ITS 87) until we get more snow. As always, USE CAUTION as it is still very early and bad spots are inevitable. It’s a great start considering what we’ve had to deal with regarding weather. Hoping for some more snow this weekend.